Stay Classy - Font Family
- Zip file containing: OTF and TTF file types
- Full set of extra characters
- PUA encoded for 100% accessibility
- Compatible with Silhouette Studio, Cricut Design Space, Scan N Cut, Adobe Illustrator and other cutting and design programs
- So Fontsy Standard Commercial Use License
Product Description
Stay Classy is a gorgeous and simple handwritten script font; contemporary and fashionable, Stay Classy looks great for a large range of project types. This elegant font is legible and looks great as a headline or in body text. This font will perfect for many different project for blogging, social media, branding, wedding invites, cards etc.
Stay Classy font including over 70 ligatures, uppercase and lowercase alternates. you need a program that supports OpenType features such as Adobe Illustrator CS, Adobe Photoshop CC, Adobe Indesign and Corel Draw X6/X7. and you can also access the alternate glyph via Font Book (Mac user) or Windows Character Map (Windows user).
Multiple languages support: ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ
What's Included:
- Stay Classy Light (OTF & TTF)
- Stay Classy Regular (OTF & TTF)
- Stay Classy Bold (OTF & TTF)
- Stay Classy ExtraBold (OTF & TTF)
New Updated:
- Stay Classy Stylish Light (OTF & TTF)
- Stay Classy Stylish Regular (OTF & TTF)
- Stay Classy Stylish Bold (OTF & TTF)
- Stay Classy Stylish ExtraBold (OTF & TTF)
- Stay Classy Alt Regular (OTF & TTF)
- Stay Classy Alt Bold (OTF & TTF)
If you have any questions or problems, please don’t hesitate to message me.
Commercial Use
Lifetime Download