Craft Show Tips For Your First Event + Printable Checklist
It's time to get ready for the show! Here are some craft show tips to help you navigate your first event. Plus a printable craft show checklist to help keep you organized.
Add Visual Appealing Props to Your Craft Fair Booth & Displays
Use props in your booth that aren’t for sale. Hand-picked props, like garland or scarves, add character & extra appeal to your displays. Baskets & bins add additional places to keep inventory.
These can be seasonal or themed to match the craft fair. You can even use the same props at each event – just pack them away with your displays at the end of the show.
Display Products at Varying Heights
Use risers and boxes underneath fabric to elevate parts of your display. Keep small products out of the reach of children by placing the on higher shelves. Depth creates interest.
Showcase Your Popular Products Prominently
Try saying that five times fast! Keep your top earners up front. Place your most popular products right in the center of your booth / display table. They’re popular products for a reason!
Bring Lots of Inventory at Different Price Points
While you can’t please everyone, bringing a variety of products with both low and high end price tags will work in your favor.
Signs, Signs, Everywhere are Signs
Proper signage with your company name & logo will help establish your brand. Booth signage will help answer questions about your products. Signs should be legible with simple text that’s large enough to read. Opt for sans serif text instead of cursive.
Use a Craft Show Checklist
Staying organized is the best way to prepare for any event. We always need that one thing we forgot! Download & print out the Craft Show Checklist to help remember the small details.